Chalk Couture Available in New Brunswick. Canada

Chalk Couture Canada

chalk couture available in new brunswick

Our Canadian Community is expanding!  Let the headlines read…”Chalk Couture Available in New Brunswick. Canada”.

The entire launch of Chalk Couture into Canada has been an exciting adventure and now we have just one more reason to celebrate. The province of New Brunswick can now enjoy all the DIY Crafty-ness of being a Chalk Couture Customer or Independent Designer!

Rumor has it that Nova Scotia, Canada approval is coming soon, too!

What a wonderful opportunity for potential new Designers in both provinces!  The propensity for growth is limitless!

Want to learn more about Chalk Couture?  I would love to connect with you and offer support in your possible new adventure. You can find me on Facebook at That Chalky Gal or at Check out my corporate website at

Canada Launch Date is Near

Edited to Add:canada has launched - chalk couture canada - that chalky gal - jana zuercher

It’s Official! Canada has Launched! 

Join our TEAM!  ID#21197 Jana Zuercher

Chalk Couture is expanding to Canada….LIKE….SOON! The Buzz is LOUD and the excitement is building….because this is HUGE! Canada DIYers, Crafters, Makers  will soon have all of this Chalkology Goodness for their very own!

WHEN?… When?… WHEN? You ask?

Though Chalk Couture has NOT announced a specific date, prior official announcements expressed that  enrollment for pre-registered Canadians to become Designers will begin “EARLY TO MID MAY.”  We are hearing this is still on track!

Canada Launch Date

Jana Zuercher, That Chalk Gal Sponsor ID#21197

When an official date is set you KNOW you will be hearing it right here at Talk Chalk{y} to Me straight away.,Chalk Couture Corporate will make an official announcement in all Pre-Registrant and Designer groups, so that everyone will have the same information at the same time. All the pertinent info about how, when and where to officially enroll will  also be announced at the same time.

Our TEAM, the Chalkpreneurs, has a few Canada Pre-Registrants. In preparation for the official launch and enrollment, some are even building their own potential TEAMS. We are super excited and ready to meet our new Canadian Friends!

Just  little side-note …  your “soft hold” from Pre-Registration will be valid for a full two weeks after launch begins.

Are you interested in being part of the Canada Ground Floor Opportunity and building your own potentially life-changing empire? Pre-Registered allows you to begin telling all of your friends, so they may also pre-Register along with you.  It does not matter whether you enroll on the first day of launch or a little later–our amazing Chalk Couture Starter Kits are ready to head out the door straight to beautiful Canada!

Canada Launch Coming Soon

Are you a United States Citizen and want more information about beginning your own Chalk Couture Journey? Connect with me online at Facebook or Instagram or send me a voice message by clicking the red button in the sidebar to the right. >>>>


canada launch date


Spring Summer Collection 2019

Spring brings thoughts of all things new. Happiness. Outdoor events. New trends in Home Decor!!!! Our new Spring Summer Chalk Couture Collection is full of woodland surprises and eclectic choices for decorating your space and DIY gifts.

My Favorite Time of the Year

As Spring showers (maybe with a few thunderstorms} begin to wane and the warm Summer days become plentiful, dreams of barbecues with family and friends take shape. Summer is about Popsicles, fireworks and canoeing at the lake. Our newest Chalk Couture transfers will set the mood with the newest decor trends. Whether decorating your space in your home den, your RV or lake cabin, you are sure to find several choices to complete your design inspiration. You might even find a design or two that will make the perfect embellishment for summer attire, as well.

Spring Summer Collection 2019

Chalk Couture at it’s Best.


Here’s to making plenty of memories this summer! 

New Chalk Couture Transfers from Spring Summer Collection 2019

Chalk Couture Catalog 2019

Grab yourself a smooth Chardonnay, a satisfying cup of joe or a relaxing fragrant tea, then settle in all comfy-like before you are swept into “Chalkology Land” with our new Spring Summer Chalk Couture Catalog 2019. I’m serious y’all! You will be there for awhile! Allow yourself to get lost in this exquisite manifesto of design inspiration. Y’all I’m serious! Stop, right now and do it

 Y’all know we are always excited at launch time, but Honey, THIS is going to be one incredibly memorable Chalk Couture season. This Spring Summer Chalk Couture catalog introduces a bucket load of exciting new products and designs.

  • Chalkology Paste colors
  • Chalk Couture Transfer designs
  • Chalk Couture Chalkology tools
  • Several new surfaces for chalking and more!

The catalog will launch on February 4th, which gives you plenty of time to make your Chalk Couture list. Will you struggle as much with your wish list as I did with narrowing my own?

I WANT IT ALL! Good thing I get my generous 40% discount!

Without any further discussion, please allow me to introduce our Chalk Couture Spring Summer Collection. No need for thanks! Sharing is what friends do best, right?

Chalk Couture Spring Summer 2019 Collection

It’s all about timing. Learn more about getting your own discount (just in time) for the release of this magnificent, show-stopper Chalk Couture Catalog! Comment, send me a message or connect on social media. Our new catalog, combined with our upcoming Canada Launch, is perfect timing for those wanting to build a business!

Pre-Registration Link for Canada Launch

That Chalky Gal ~ Pinterest ~ Instagram ~ YouTube ~ Google+

Shares always welcomed!

Chalk Couture Canada Pre-registration

Chalk Couture Canada 

Have you heard it yet? Chalk Couture Canada has opened pre-registration for New Designers! Such great news for our Canadian Friends! Complete chalky craftiness is going to storm Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario unlike any other direct sales company. (Well, that’s MY opinion and I’m sticking to it!)

chalk couture canada - truck transfer- chalk couture ink - join our team - chalkpreneurs - jana zuercher - that chalky gal - talk chalky to me

This past year, a chalk paste wave has crossed the entire United States east, west, north and south. Immense growth has been an impressing, though not unexpected, success.

Chalk Couture Canada  & New Seasonal Product Release

chalk couture canada pre-registration- jana zuercher designer - talk chalky to me - that chalky gal

Your Life is Your Story Write Well Edit Often Chalk Couture Transfer

Not only are we focused on the great Chalk Couture Canada expansion, but we are giddy with excitement for the upcoming new product launch. New Chalkology Paste colors, so MANY new transfers and fanciful new surfaces  will appeal to a broad base of home decor styles and tastes.

Building a strong Chalk Couture Canada presence begins with the pre-registration requirements. Preregistration gives the new prospective Designers an opportunity to begin learning all about Chalk Couture and to start building their very own teams.

chalk couture starter kit- chalk couture canada launch

As a ground floor opportunity, Chalk Couture Canada is sure to bring much success to those whom have the vision and understanding of the importance of joining a successful company early on in an expansion.  Once a new designer pre-registers, they will be invited to join a special Facebook Group where they can begin training and learning during the wait time for the official launch. It is a great opportunity to hone skills and build your tribe!

chalk couture canada - that chalky gal jana zuercher- chalk couture designer

Our Chalk Couture Canada Pre-Registration is HERE.  Please use ID# 21197 if you would like to join our TEAM (Together.Everyone.Achieves.More)

Our Chalkpreneurs TEAM would love for you to join us on our adventure. If I may answer any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. My Facebook profile is Jana Zuercher and my business page is That Chalky Gal. I am also on Pinterest and You Tube. Please considering following me on one or more platforms as we explore this amazing opportunity together!

talk chalk to me - jana zuercher - chalk couture designer - that chalky gal

Welcome Canada!