Handmade Onesies are Simply Easier with Chalk Couture

Have you ever given a handmade onesie as a gift? I have many times. I love it so much, that I once even set up a onesie making table at a baby shower. I spent hours designing and cutting heat transfer vinyl,all followed by the tedious weeding process. The leftover weeded parts filled my wastebasket. It always annoyed me all of the waste that I knew would eventually hit the landfill. I kept hoping for a better way for me, as a hobbyist, to make beautiful gifts with less impact on the environment AND a much simpler process.
In walks…Chalk Couture! A complete solution to my quandary.
Chalk Couture Chalkology Inks presents in 24 beautiful shades of creamy goodness. The ink glides so smoothly through our silkscreen transfers…AND with so many wonderful transfer designs from which to choose, each onesie is unique as a simple expression of your creativity. The entire process is quick and simple. Your handmade onesie can be ready in less than 15 minutes.

Handmade Onesies are Easy-Peasy!

I have a true fascination with handmade onesies. My two young grandbabies are now out of the onesie phase of their lives, so look for opportunities to create them. Come summer there will be plenty of baby showers invitations and I can hardly wait.


Family Chalk Time is the Best Time!

Family Chalk Time is always fun! Not too long ago I was blessed with the opportunity to get together with family for a few days. Both daughters were there, as well as both grandbabies. (ALWAYS an awesome bonus). We decided to do a short bit of chalking while Dad and Grandpa watched the li’l munchkins.

family chalk time with chalk couture

Hais is positioning the different pieces of our Happy Fall Y’all silkscreen transfer on a artist’s canvas. This was the first time we had chalked together.

She made quick work of her artwork and promptly displayed in on her new fireplace mantel.

family chalk time - happy fall y'all

This was just a quick little impromptu mother-daughter chalk session that I hope will become a regular event with both daughter.  Crafting together is always a fun family bonding moment.

I would love to see photos of your Family Chalk Time or Crafting. Feel free to share on my Facebook page at That Chalky Gal. Did you know that I offer virtual Chalk Couture workshops? Send me a message for more info!

canada launch date


Baby Shower and Soon-to-be Grandma

Because of geographical challenges , I chose to host my daughter’s baby shower last month. Showers have changed somewhat since the days of my own baby showers a few (cough) decades ago. I am not going to lie, as I was searching for ideas on my most favoritest website of all.. the MOTHER of creativeness ….all bundled nicely in an exquisite search engine of top-notch creativity. Of course, you KNOW I am speaking of Pinterest! Love me some Pinterest. If were no other reasons at all to be on any social media, the big “P” would definitely keep this old lady chained to the interwebs.

Through this search, I discovered that I could have SECRET Pinterst boards. Shhhh.. I can hear you chucklin’ all the way here in Kansas. Yes, I have learned the wonderful ????? of going into stealth mode on Pinterest.  I don’t normally need to keep secrets. Most that know me, know I ‘blab’ a LOT. So for that reason alone, the secret boards were quite helpful in my preparation for this event. I mean.. seriously, I had to have a least a few surprises for Mom-to-Be.

Hundreds of pins later, I finally had a skeleton of ideas for invitations, decor, shower games, and of course food. Pinterest allows me to dream and collect all of the clever ideas  to categories of beautiful “this”and “thats” that will soon have,everyone  ooooooing and ahhhhhing over my creative prowess.  Sounds simple but then about a month prior to the event, it is time to decide which of the 273 ideas you have pinned are you actually going to implement.

I  have never been very good at prioritizing and most often cannot make up my mind in such matters. Either I want it all or want to do it all.  There was the cake pops and petit fours I wanted to make, The candy bar, the 3 different flavors of punch. Tea Sandwiches, veggie cups, and more. Did all of that happen? No. Everyone said our ‘treats’ were delicious, yet wanted to crawl under the table once I tasted the tortilla rolls. (Lesson learned, less is not more and my thin layer of cream cheese needs to much thicker. Even so, I was pleased with the presentation of it all. My youngest daughter and her boyfriend were Champs at staging all of the food.

The vegetable cups received the most ‘praise’ of all the refreshments.

Baby Shower Candy Bar



The baby shower decor that I was most proud of was the backdrop behind the  food. The entire family had a hand in this. Hubs made the stand out of PVC for me. The boyfriend, hung  the floral ring I made,  as  our youngest fluffed all of the valance parts..



One of my Pinterest finds was the set of Baby Blocks. They were constructed from shipping boxes and shipping paper purchased from Walmart. I then cut the letters on my Silhouette Cameo. Washi Tape and Ribbon served as borders. Unfortunately, they did not travel well to the hotel and looked a bit like they had ridden in the bed of the truck.



There was a diaper  and book raffle for those that brought those along with their gifts. I have a thing for vintage suitcases but I just never seem to do anything with them. I did however paint one of my smaller cases and lined with wrapping paper (fabric would have been better) and added a few silk flowers That coupled with the architectural piece and monogram looked nice together at the entrance of the room.



One of the highlight of the event, was the headband making table. Even the kids enjoyed it.





The Gift Table. Another Pinterest find.


All in all, it was an enjoyable afternoon and people seemed to have a good time and I only had a couple of Pinterest “Fails”. So all is good in this grandma’s memories.